Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Random Updates and New Hampshire Videos

I've dropped the ball again with the weekly logs.  I know, I know - I'm working on it.  I might get back to it this week as I'm having a good one.

The jankiness seems to be on the decline and though I felt that leg ache early last week it hasn't resurfaced since.  Time to slowly start increasing that mileage.  I've been getting in a weekly yoga session in for the past month and I'm on a 115 day meditation streak.  I meditate 15 minutes every morning using the Headspace app and I've really taken to it.  Highly recommended!

I've finally begun the slow road back to total fitness with a return to P90X.  Yes, it's the return of the Ab Ripper!  Also I've got a bunch of P90X3 videos I'm going to use.  They're shorter then the original series so hopefully I'll be able to fit them into my mornings.

What else, what else...

I'm listening to French podcasts on the way into work in order to develop at least a rudimentary level of the language in preparation for a family fun vacation to Montreal & Quebec at the end of July.

I bought a safety razor so that I can now shave like a real man.

And now for something completely different, I present to you a couple videos I made from trips earlier this year to my favorite place, the White Mountains.  Warning: they are not great.  But making them was good practice and I hope to shoot some better ones soon.

The first one is from February when Amanda and I hiked up Mt. Liberty.  This was a tough hike for her and our big snowshoes didn't do us any favors.  But it's always fun hiking up there in the winter and I learned some more lessons to aid me on future trips.

In May I went up to the Carter Notch Hut with Muddy, the Manchild and bunch more hombres.  The weather was rainy and the trails were miserable monorails up high which made for tough going.  We had ambitions of hiking the whole ridge as a three day trip but opted to hit Carter Dome on Day 2 and call it a day.  Still a fun time.

That's all for now.  Hopefully I'll get back into the swing of blogging things soon.

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